Thursday, October 22, 2009

Facebook, Twitter and Outreach

I've become a big fan of social media. Yesterday Facebook's COO said that everyday 30 million different people use Facebook... that's a lot. I think it is just another indicator of how God has wired us for relationship and we'll take it however we can get it. I know I will.

Here's some practical uses for social media as it relates to outreach.

1. Celebrate good deeds. Brag on Jesus. When you see Jesus making a difference... let us know. Being a witness is like being an investigative reporter, reporting on what Jesus is doing in your life and in your community... be His witnesses.

2. Share your needs. Many times "we have not because we ask not." Use social media to ask for clothes for your friend whose house burned or a bed for a person without one. I know one missional group in Iuka (Go4th ministries) that wanted to give household supplies to the poor in their neighborhood. They 'Facebooked it' and God provided all the supplies they needed.

3. Tell stories. I love to hear how God is changing lives. I love to hear their stories. Many churches and organizations like Crosswind give a steady diet of stories of how God is rescuing the perishing and healing the brokenhearted and setting the captives free. Tell your stories. It let's us know God is still at work.

4. Get in on what God is up to. This is the 'home run' for social media. If we broadcast the stories of God, the love of God, the needs that we have and where God is at work... it makes us want to get involved. I don't want everybody else to experience God and me miss out. It "stirs one another up to love and good works."

Social media is our new reality. Use it for the glory of God... c'mon, stir me up!


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